Today, it's no longer about the degrees you may have earned, but about how you sell yourself to your potential employer. Indeed, this decade promotes competence. It is therefore essential that you learn to highlight your skills. To that end, here are three tips to help you stand up to recruiters.
Learn to control your body movements
Before anything else, take a look at this site. Getting back to your posture, you should know that it is the first point on which the recruiter focuses. Indeed, it is most often the first meeting you have with the company representative.
In fact, your interviewer, or headhunter if you prefer, scrutinizes your every move. Especially, when the position you are applying for has a body language component. Thus, it is advisable to work on your tone of voice, your posture and the modulation of your gestures
The trick is to do it in front of a mirror. And if you have some time before the day of the interview, you can go out in the street and try to approach passers-by. Also, don't take on too much confidence.
Instead of being helpful, an "I know everything" attitude is the worst you can have. Just make sure you're in the middle ground.
Learn about the business
This is an axiom everyone should know. Going to an interview without trying to learn about the recruiter is simply suicidal. Indeed, even if the talent hunter doesn't ask a direct question about your knowledge of the services the company offers, be sure he or she comes at it with an undertone.
But if they don't bring it up at all, show polite curiosity. Show him (without overdoing it) that you have an idea of what they do and follow up with some more technical questions. Be careful, this should be done completely at the end of the interview so as not to pre-empt the person conducting the questions.
On the other hand, there is also the case where a group is interviewing you. In this case, remain concise, precise and calm.